Common Beginner Bra Mistakes and How to Fix Them

This video quickly goes over common beginner bra making mistakes and how to fix them. Remember you can do it! Most bra making mistakes can be salvaged and the important part is getting a bra that can function enough to make adjustments for next time. I’ve made most of these mistakes and am sharing what I’ve learned to hopefully spare other some frustration and give a source for what to do.

Topics covered:

  1. Forgetting to adjust the pattern for different elastic widths

  2. Hook and eye not fitting back band sizes

  3. How to finish cups if you're missing materials

  4. What to do if you don't have enough wire play

  5. Thinking function over beauty and perfection

  6. Skipped Stitches

  7. Machine eating material


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What I’m going to grow in my garden this year (Seed Savers Haul)