What I’m going to grow in my garden this year (Seed Savers Haul)

I put in an order from one of my favorite seed websites for everything I was planning to grow from seed this year. Seed Savers is a non-profit that works to keep historic varieties of plants seeds preserved. Their prices are great and they have a lot of different things that you might be looking for. Often time bigger places sell the exact same varieties of everything even if they’re not the best tasting. Often heirloom varieties can be higher in antioxidants and flavor (though not always, it’s something to research). This garden mainly reflects a conservative keto diet. I will probably buy a cucumber and a few herbs besides this. I try to grow luffa every year and I might try one more year as something keeps happening to the plant.


  1. Strawberry Popcorn

  2. Glass Gem Corn

  3. Catnip

  4. German Chamomile

  5. Thai Basil

  6. Genovese Basil

  7. Yellow of Parma Onion

  8. Red Whethersfield Onion

  9. Green Globe Artichoke

  10. Garlic Chives


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